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Pfc Nicholas DeNardo

Pfc Nicholas DeNardo

134th Infantry Regiment - Company C

Nicholas DeNardo was inducted into the Army February 18, 1942 at Fort Niagara in Youngstown, New York. He joined the 134th Infantry Regiment and served in the Weapons Platoon, Company C. He departed the U.S. for the ETO from the port of New York on May 11 aboard the Navy transport USS General A.E. Anderson and disembarked at Avonmouth Port of Bristol, England on May 25, 1944. He then traveled by train to Cornwall where he billeted at Penzance from May 26 to July 1, 1944 before traveling to a staging area at Plymouth and sailing for France. He sailed across the English Channel aboard the HMS Javelin on July 4 and landed at Omaha Beach, Normandy France on July 5, 1944. The weather at the time of sailing was clear and cool, but by the following morning it was recorded as unsettled.

According to the July 1944 After Action Report: "During the period from 5 July 1944 to 7 July 1944 the Regiment was assembled near Mercey, France for the purpose of organization and preparation for combat . . . On 15 July 1944 the Regiment launched an attack to the south with Hill 122 as the initial objective and St. Lo as the final objective. The 1st and 2nd Battalions of the Regiment were used as assault battalions and succeeded in advancing several thousand yards during the day. The town of Emilie was captured late in the afternoon and elements of the Regiment succeeded in reaching Hill 122 after forcing the enemy to withdraw. Both assault battalions were heavily engaged at all times during the day". Pfc Nicholas DeNardo was wounded by shell fragments July 15, 1944 during this battle. He was initially treated at the 1st Battalion Aid Station before being transferred to an Army Hospital in England. He returned to the U.S. aboard the ship Queen Elizabeth, arrived at the Port of New York on September 17, 1944, and completed his recuperation at another Army Hospital in Illinois before being medically discharged from the Army. Nicholas DeNardo passed away in June 1972. He is buried at Glenwood Cemetery, Watertown, New York.

(left) unknown - (right) Nicholas DeNardo

Nick and Iona DeNardo on their wedding day


Thanks to Marcia DeNardo for these pictures of her father-in-law. Marcia is the wife of Nicholas's son James DeNardo.

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