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Pfc Eugene F Prater

Pfc Eugene F Prater

Falls City High School Yearbook - 1936

134th Infantry Regiment - HQ Company 1st Battalion

Eugene Floyd Prater, son of Bryan and Pearl (Ray) Prater was born March 19, 1918 in Falls City, Nebraska. He married Katherine Moir August 26, 1942 and the couple had 2 sons, Larry and Kenneth. He was a member of the Nebraska National Guard, registered for the draft October 16, 1940, and was mobilized into Federal service December 23, 1940 at Falls City, Nebraska. He departed for the ETO from the Port of New York aboard the Navy transport USS General AE Anderson and disembarked at Avonmouth at the Port of Bristol, England May 24, 1944. He served as an anti-tank gun crewman in the Anti-Tank Platoon, Headquarters Company 1st Battalion, and was billeted at Penzance in Cornwall, England from May 26 through July 1, 1944 before sailing across the English Channel and landing at Omaha Beach, Normandy July 5, 1944. He was promoted to Private First Class July 26, 1944. Pfc Eugene F Prater was killed in action September 28, 1944 while helping to repulse an enemy counter-attack in the vicinity of Aboncourt, northeast of Nancy, France. He is buried at Lorraine American Cemetery, Saint Avold, France.

The Falls City Journal, Falls City NE - October 16, 1944

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