134th Infantry Regiment Crest

134th Infantry Regiment

"All Hell Can't Stop Us"

35th Infantry Division emblem

Company G

Comapny G - 134th Infantry Regiment

T/Sgt William T Quillen, top row, 2nd from right - S/Sgt George Rex, bottom row far right. Identities of other soldiers unknown

Identity unknown. Notation on the back of the photo says that he was a boxer

S/Sgt George Rex, T/Sgt Ike Lough, Pfc Russell Benda

Left to right - S/Sgt George Rex, T/Sgt Ike Lough, and Pfc Russell Benda. Picture was taken July 1989

Picture of a French family that T/Sgt William Quillen stayed with one night. See the names on the back of the photo.

If anyone knows the names of the unidentified soldiers pictured on this page, please contact the webmaster.

Thanks to Mr. Larry D. Quillen, the son of T/Sgt William T. Quillen, for submitting these pictures and information.

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