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35th Infantry Division Returning Passenger List Master Index

Queen Mary sailing certificate

Names beginning with the letter Z

All 35th Infantry Division Units and Special Troops, except for the 137th Infantry Regiment, sailed home to the U.S. aboard the Queen Mary which left Southhampton, England on September 5, 1945 and arrived in New York Harbor 5 days later on Monday, September 10, 1945. Soldiers who sailed home with the 35th Infantry Division aboard the Queen Mary will appear on these lists.

Key to reading these passenger lists:  Last Name; First Name; Middle Initial; Reception Station Number (in parenthesis following the name) - a place in the boarding area or on the ship where men assembled; Rank; ASR (Adjusted Service Ratings score) - numeric system used to determine which soldiers were eligible to return to the U.S. based on criteria such as time in service, awards, dependent children, etc.; Army Serial Number (ASN); Arm of Service - examples INF = Infantry, CE = Combat Engineer, FA = Field Artillery, MD = Medical Department; Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) - a numeric code used to identify a specific Army job.

Locate the name you are searching for and select the unit designation following the name   This will take you to a scanned image of that unit's returning passenger list:


Zacavish,Joseph,,Pfc,31189282,134th Inf Reg

Zach,Kenneth,F,Pfc,36988565,2nd Prov Bn

Zacharkan,Paul,,Cpl,32781509,134th Inf Reg

Zackeo,Nicholas,T,1st Lt,O-1328866,320th Inf Reg

Zahn,Albin,K,S/Sgt,32051288,2nd Prov Bn

Zaino,Francesco,P,Pfc,31411841,320th Inf Reg

Zajac,Francis,A,Pvt,31474835,320th Inf Reg

Zajac,Thaddeus,J,Sgt,31161484,320th Inf Reg

Zakraysek,Rudy,R,Pfc,33926194,2nd Prov Bn

Zalenski,Anthony,F,T/4,33398669,Special Troops

Zalinski,Joseph,R,Pfc,31417167,134th Inf Reg

Zalutko,Stephen,,Pfc,33604866,134th Inf Reg

Zambito,Samuel,F,Sgt,32675311,134th Inf Reg

Zamesnik,Charles,M,Pfc,36582755,Special Troops

Zampaglione,Samuel,J,Pfc,20223990,216th FAB

Zaniewski,Stephen,,Pfc,32773471,320th Inf Reg

Zannakis,John,,T/5,32368156,320th Inf Reg

Zapola,John,,Sgt,33252715,320th Inf Reg

Zarrella,Dominick,V,T/4,31281063,320th Inf Reg

Zatezalo,Rudolph,,Pfc,35786114,134th Inf Reg

Zaugg,"Alfred, Jr",,Pfc,39100236,Special Troops

Zavalydrigh,Robert,,Pfc,33925070,1st Prov Bn

Zavaskis,Anthony,,Sgt,35320008,320th Inf Reg

Zavecz,Edward,,Pfc,33828026,134th Inf Reg

Zavelo,Sandor,,Pfc,42034898,320th Inf Reg

Zawadzki,Leonard,A,Pfc,36971213,320th Inf Reg

Zawislak,Bronislaus,J,Pfc,36698355,161st FAB

Zebrowski,Joseph,A,Pfc,42002557,110th Med Bn

Zeieznik,Robert,F,S/Sgt,35053530,2nd Prov Bn

Zelenka,Joseph,A,Pfc,36524467,320th Inf Reg

Zeleny,Paul,,Pfc,37563803,60th ECB

Zeleznikar,James,J,Pfc,36605266,320th Inf Reg

Zelichowski,Frank,,Pvt,32866971,2nd Prov Bn

Zeller,Kenneth,M,Pfc,42095320,320th Inf Reg

Zelski,Stephen,J,T/5,31280971,320th Inf Reg

Zematis,George,B,Pfc,36776384,2nd Prov Bn

Zeoli,Destine,,Pfc,42136586,320th Inf Reg

Zerr,Anthony,S,Pfc,38073070,320th Inf Reg

Zerr,Balcer,,S/Sgt,37144759,320th Inf Reg

Zerrien,Kenneth,E,T/5,36703786,134th Inf Reg

Zewin,George,T,Pfc,32832110,216th FAB

Zick,Irvin,W,Pfc,36958689,134th Inf Reg

Ziebarth,Robert,,Pfc,37685483,2nd Prov Bn

Zielasko,Ernest,H,Capt,O-1306931,Special Troops

Zielinski,Francis,A,Pfc,32363911,134th Inf Reg

Zielke,Clarence,T,Pfc,36957491,Special Troops

Zieniewicz,Frank,A,Pfc,32758924,320th Inf Reg

Zierk,Albert,,T/Sgt,6496707,Special Troops

Zilke,Joseph,J,T/5,32216497,320th Inf Reg

Zilker,Daniel,P,T/5,33623301,320th Inf Reg

Zimbler,Benjamin,,S/Sgt,36357681,110th Med Bn

Zimmer,Bert,E,Cpl,35684791,Special Troops

Zimmer,Gerald,W,T/3,17049944,219th FAB

Zimmer,Harhey,L,Pfc,36841620,2nd Prov Bn

Zimmerman,Edmund,J,Capt,O-1305693,320th Inf Reg

Zimmerman,Henry,A,T/5,32220652,134th Inf Reg

Zimmerman,Marvin,F,Pfc,31436235,1st Prov Bn

Zinder,Harry,,Civ,,Special Troops

Zinkus,Ralph,,Pfc,6138131,320th Inf Reg

Zito,Rosario,,Pfc,38486166,320th Inf Reg

Znidarsic,Leopold,,Pfc,33429041,216th FAB

Zodrow,Elmer,L,Pfc,37711924,1st Prov Bn

Zolczer,Adolph,F,Pfc,33440280,219th FAB

Zoll,Edward,F,Pfc,35931430,320th Inf Reg

Zoller,"Jacob, Jr",J,T/3,36557267,134th Inf Reg

Zolmerczyk,Ted,F,Pfc,35571798,1st Prov Bn

Zommer,John,S,Pfc,31448778,1st Prov Bn

Zondlak,Joseph,,Pfc,36612312,320th Inf Reg

Zook,Chester,L,Pfc,33873513,134th Inf Reg

Zook,Gideon,K,Pfc,33875986,1st Prov Bn

Zorich,Dan,,Cpl,37096001,134th Inf Reg

Zrebski,Leo,B,Pfc,36561503,219th FAB

Zuchora,Chester,J,Pfc,36549016,134th Inf Reg

Zuckerman,Joseph,,Pfc,37622745,134th Inf Reg

Zuelke,Delwin,H,Sgt,39592086,134th Inf Reg

Zugelter,Daniel,W,Pfc,35883404,320th Inf Reg

Zuidema,John,,Pfc,36984410,320th Inf Reg

Zumpol,Frederick,,T/5,32796880,60th ECB

Zuniga,Rogelio,,T/5,32906020,320th Inf Reg

Zweigart,Lewis,E,Pfc,36782826,110th Med Bn

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