134th Infantry Regiment Crest

134th Infantry Regiment Website

35th Infantry Division Research Center

"All Hell Can't Stop Us"

35th Infantry Division emblem

Unit Journals

The Unit Journal contains in-depth descriptions of the activity of a unit on a daily basis. There are numerous entries for each day's events showing the time of occurrence for each. They include information regarding weather conditions, geographic location, troop movement and combat activity. Unit Jounals are currently available for the 134th Infantry Regiment for the period from July 1944 through June 1945 and for the 219th Field Artillery Battalion for the period from January through June 1945.  More will be added as they become available.  Some of these are large files and may take a minute to load.

134th Infantry Regiment

137th Infantry Regiment

320th Infantry Regiment

July 1944
August 1944
September 1944
October 1944
November 1944
December 1944
January 1945
February 1945
March 1945
April 1945
May 1945
June 1945

July 1944
August 1944
September 1944
October 1944
November 1944
December 1944
January 1945
February 1945
March 1945
April 1945
May 1945
June 1945
July 1945
August 1945
July 1944
August 1944
September 1944
October 1944
November 1944
December 1944
January 1945
February 1945
March 1945
April 1945
May 1945
June 1945
July 1945

219th Field Artillery Battalion

January 1945
February 1945
March 1945
April 1945
May 1945
June 1945

134th Infantry Regiment Home Page

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