F. Floyd & Co:  History


The Company

Although F. Floyd & Co was not listed in city trade directories until 1875[1], they were in business at least as early as 1869[2] because the company registered a design for a needle case that year which listed their address as on Grant Street.  The firm was founded by Francis Frederick Floyd Jr. who was 29 years old in 1869.  At first tText

Description automatically generatedhe company was known as a fancy leather or paper box maker, however, according to the 1874[3] newspaper advertisement seen here, they specialized in making needle cases.  From that year on the business was most often known as a fancy needle case manufacturer.  In 1881[4] the firm employed 3 men, 4 boys and 33 girls and the business was attached to the Floyd residence at 11, 12 and 13 Grant Street.  It remained at this location, although sometime after 1908[5] its address changed to Bells Barn Road in Edgbaston[6], the block south of Grant Street.  This change may have occurred shortly after Francis Floyd Jr. died in 1912.  After his death, the company continued operations as a fancy goods manufacturer for approximately 13 additional years under the ownership of his widow, Sarah Floyd, his brother-in-law Peter Edgar White and his daughter, Grace Mayfield.  Unfortunately, the firm went through some difficult times in the early 1920’s and the new owners filed for bankruptcy at the beginning of 1925[7].


Between 1873 and 1884, F. Floyd & Co. registered 30[8] designs of which 29 were for needle cases.  Of these 4 were of metal, 8 of paper, 16 were of earthenware and 1 was of an unA painting in a frame

Description automatically generated with low confidenceknown material.  And what was included in the earthenware category?  During the Victorian Period earthenware usually referred to pottery[9], however, for the design registration process[10] items made of pasteboard or leather were presumably also registered as earthenware.  Pasteboard was “a type of thin board made by pasting together sheets of paper.”[11]  Many of Floyd’s earthenware designs were for small pasteboard boxes decorated with chromolithographic designs.  Three of the metal needle cases were registered in 1873[12] as provisional designs meaning they were most likely never made.  The fourth metal design is known as The Picture in Cruciform Frame (shown here).  It was registered as an ornamental design in 1880[13] and appears to be the only metal one F. Floyd & Co. actually manufactured.  This Avery style needle case combines two different materials, each with significant complexity, making it extra special.  It consists of two pieces, a brass frame and a pasteboard insert.  The frame has tiny flowers with leaves stamped in the four corners A picture containing text

Description automatically generatedas well as a small circular clasp that allows it to be hung up like a normal picture frame.  The pasteboard insert is composed of two parts, the front and back, with chromolithographic prints, that are folded over to form a central compartment into which a pasteboard tray of needles, with a small cloth tab for easy extraction, was stored.  Chromolithography[14] was a popular method of making multi-colored prints during the 19th century before color photography was invented.  For each color in a design, a separate lithographic plate was created.  The plate was attached to a printing press, color was added and then, when the piece of paper or pasteboard was passed through the press, the color was applied to it.  Each sheet of paper had to pass through the press as many times as there were colors in the design.  The close up view seen here clearly shows the individually colored dots that make up the design.


The Owners

Francis Frederick Floyd was the son of Francis Frederick Floyd, the elder, and Emily Sheppard.  In order to distinguish between the two men with the same name, for the remainder of this narrative the older one will be referred to as Francis Sr. and the younger as Francis Jr.   Francis Sr. was born c1810/11 in Birmingham and married Emily at St. Bartholomew in Edgbaston in 1832 when he was approximately 22 years old.  He spent his entire life working as a wood turner living in several different places in the city of Birmingham.  Francis Sr. and Emily had 9 children: Edward Henry, Frederick, Selina, Alfred, Francis Jr., Matilda, Edwin, Hannah and Emily.  The mother Emily died in 1891 at age 83 and was buried at the Witton Cemetery, which at the time was known as the Birmingham City Cemetery[15] and to this day is the largest cemetery in the Birmingham area.  That same year Francis Sr. was listed as an invalid living with his widowed daughter, Emily Workman, and her two sons in Aston Manor.  Francis Sr. died 3 years later at age 83 in 1894 and was buried at the Key Hill Cemetery next to the Jewellery Quarter.  


Before discussing Francis Jr.’s life a quick look at his siblings is necessary in order to better understand what his life and family relationships were like.  Starting with his 4 brothers, the eldest Edward Henry was born in 1833 and baptized at St. Martins near the city center.  At some point during his early years he became known by his middle name and was always listed as Henry thereafter.  In 1851 he was living with his Shepherd grandparents in Aston working as a leather case maker.  Perhaps he was living with them in order to learn about the art of painting because his grandfather was a fancy painter at the time.  Henry married Emma Russell at St. Bartholomew, Edgbaston in 1858 and they had a least 2 children: Alice Russell and Richard. The family residence was on Bristol Street in Birmingham and Henry worked for many years as a pocket book maker or fancy leather purse maker.  In 1881 he was listed as a needle case maker and may have been working for his brother Francis Jr.  Henry died at age 53 in 1886 in Birmingham.  The second oldest brother, Frederick, was born in 1835, married Ann Maria Heath in 1858 and spent his early years working as a factory clerk, a commercial clerk or a manager at an iron works.  Frederick and Ann had at least 3 children: Charles Frederick, Emma and Albert Ernest, before moving to Coventry shortly before 1891 where he became an iron foundry employer.  Frederick died in Coventry in 1904 at age 69.  The third older brother Alfred was born in 1838.  At age 22 in 1861 he was living with his older brother Frederick’s family and was working as a fancy leather case maker.  Although he did not marry Susanna Bough until 1885, they were living together as man and wife by 1871 and had 7 children before their marriage: Elizabeth Ann, Alice Elizabeth, Rosina, Frederick, William, Ernest and Sarah.  Alfred worked as a purse maker or pocket book maker for many years, but in 1891 he was a leather needle case maker possibly also working for his younger brother Francis Jr.  By 1901 Alfred was back to making leather pocket books and, because his wife had passed away, was living with his daughter Rosina Bushill’s family.  Alfred died in the King’s Norton area in 1915 at age 76.  Not much is known about Francis Jr.’s youngest brother Edwin who was born in 1845.


Francis Jr.’s also had 4 sisters.  The oldest sister Selina was born in 1836 and married George Denham a brass finisher in 1857.  They had 4 children together: Jane, Mary Ann, Jessie Emily and Helen before George died in 1872 at age 36.  Two years later in 1874 Selina married her second husband Richard Alexander Hemming, a bricklayer, and they had 2 children: Richard and Selina.  In 1898 at age 59 Selina passed away in the Birmingham area.  The second sister was Matilda who was 2 years younger than Francis Jr. being born in 1842.  In 1861 at age 18, Matilda married John Edwin Phillips a fitter.  By 1871 John was working as a machinist employing 2 men and 3 boys, however by 1881 he was a general tooling maker.  Matilda and John had 9 children: Carolyn (aka Kate), Annie, Benjamin, Louisa, Matilda, Rose, Ada, Charles and John.  After her husband died in 1884 at age 42, Matilda carried on as a dress maker employer.  For some unknown reason she was baptized rather late in life at age 47 in 1891.  By 1901 Matilda had retired and was living with her daughter Annie Hodgetts’s family in Wales.  She returned to the Birmingham area by 1911 and was living with her son John.  Matilda died in 1913 at age 70 in the Aston area.  The third sister named Hannah was born in 1847.  She married Thomas Luckett in 1870 and they had 13 children of which only 10 have been identified: Thomas, Charles, Minnie, Rose, Lucy, Martha, Walter, Leah, Margaret and Dorothy.  Thomas worked at a variety of jobs, as a japanner when they married, as a flat packer in a warehouse one year, on several occasions as a perambulatory manufacturer employer and, also as a cabinet manufacturer employer.  Thomas died in 1919 and Hannah died 15 years later in 1933 in the Birmingham area at age 86.  The youngest sister Emily was born in 1849.  At some point she married William Workman and they had 2 children: William and George Edwin.  Unfortunately, Mr. Workman died before 1891 and Emily was living by herself with her sons and her father, who was a invalid, in Aston that year.  It is unclear how she supported herself as she was either recorded as living on her own means or listed with no occupation.  Presumably because she was always living with at least one of her sons, he was providing for her.  Emily died in Aston in 1919 at age 70.


Francis Frederick Floyd Jr. was born in 1840, the fourth son of Francis Frederick Floyd Sr. and Emily Shepherd.  By age 20 in 1861 he was living with his older brother Frederick’s family in Aston and was working as a fancy leather case maker as was his other brother Alfred.  A year later Francis Jr. married Angelina Mayfield in 1862 in Handsworth.  By 1871 they were living on Grant Street with their 3 children: Francis, Walter and Grace B. A. and Francis Jr. was working as a fancy paper box maker.  By 1881 the Floyd residence and factory works were located together at 11, 12 and 13 Grant Street and Francis Jr. was now working as a fancy needle case manufacturer employing 3 men and 37 boys and girls.  The three men may have been Francis Jr, his older brother Henry and his other older brother Alfred.  By 1891 the two sons of Francis Jr. and Angelina had passed away and the family residence had moved to Bristol Road in Edgbaston.  That year the family also included a visitor named Sarah White who was working as a companion to Angelina presumably because Angelina was sick.  Angelina died two years later in 1893 at age 55 and was buried in the Floyd family plot at the Warstone Lane Cemetery near the Jewellery Quarter next to her two sons.  In 1894[16] Francis Jr. may have experienced some financial difficulties because he sold or leased part of his property on Bells Barn Road, at the back of Grant Street, to another party.  Three years after his wife’s death, Francis Jr. married Sarah White in 1896 in Edgbaston.  Francis Jr. and Sarah had no children together and returned to his Grant Street residence next to the F. Floyd & Co business sometime prior to 1901.  Francis Jr. continued working as a leather goods manufacturer employer in 1901 and a paper box trade manager in 1911.  From at least 1901 until his death his widowed daughter Grace was living in his household and they were joined by his second wife’s brother Peter Edgar White in 1911.  Francis Jr. died in 1912 at his home on Grant Street at age 69 with Peter E. White present at his death.  He was buried at the Warstone Lane Cemetery in the Floyd family gravesite next to his first wife and two sons who predeceased him.  Sarah continued to live with her brother and stepdaughter presumably until their deaths in 1947 and 1949.  She died in 1951 at age 84 in the Birmingham area and was buried next to her husband in the family plot which now included her brother Peter and stepdaughter Grace.


Only one of the three children of Francis Jr. lived to adulthood.  His son Francis Benjamin Gordon Floyd was born in 1863 and died at age 19 in 1883.  The second son Walter Augustus Floyd was born in 1868 and died in 1874 at age 5.  Both were buried in the Floyd family gravesite at the Warstone Lane Cemetery.  Grace Clara Angelina Floyd, the daughter, was born in 1871 and lived almost all of her life with her parents, step-mother and step-uncle.  Grace married the ironmaster Tom Howard Wilkinson in 1891 and they had a son they named Francis Howard Barry Floyd Wilkinson in 1894.  Their marriage did not last long though because Tom filed for divorce in 1896 and the final decree was issued in 1897.  As some point either during or shortly after their divorce Grace changed her surname to Mayfield, most likely in honor of her mother whose maiden name was Mayfield[17].  Grace was listed in 1901 and 1911 as a widow although no marriage records or husband’s death have been found to support this.  Her daughter Dorothy was born in 1902.   Grace died in the Birmingham area in 1949 at age 77.


F. Floyd & Co.: Images


A picture containing text

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Ornamental design #264911 dated August 7, 1872 for a Class 4 earthenware needle case.



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Provisional design #1155 dated July 25, 1873 for a Class 1 metal needle case.


A piece of paper with writing on it

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Provisional design #1154 dated July 25, 1873 for a Class 1 metal needle case.



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Provisional design #1156 dated July 25, 1873 for a Class 1 metal needle case. 


A picture containing text, whiteboard

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Ornamental design 274182 dated July 4, 1873 for a Class 4 earthenware needle case.



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Ornamental design #282261 dated May 12, 1874 for a Class 4 earthenware needle case.



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Ornamental deisgn #282239 dated May 9, 1874 for Class 4 earthenware needle case.



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Ornamental design #350455 dated June 5, 1880 for the Class 1 metal needle case known as the Picture in Cruciform Frame.

Grant Street sign, 2022.

A street with cars parked along it

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South side of Grant Street approximately where the Floyd business was originally located, 2022.

A sign on a fence

Description automatically generated with medium confidenceA picture containing sky, tree, outdoor, road

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Apartment complex on the northwest corner of Grant Street and Great Colmore Street, 2022


A road with trees and houses on the side

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Grant Street south of the apartment complex on the corner, 2012.


F. Floyd & Co.: Genealogy


Generation 1:  Francis Frederick Floyd (c1810/11-1894) and Emily Shepherd (c1808-1891)

·       Born: c1810/11 Birmingham (S4) (S5d).

·       Baptized: not found.

·       Marriage: September 24, 1832 St. Bartholomew, Edgbaston (S3) (S1m).  Listed as Francis Frederick Floyd and Emily Shepherd.

·       1841 Census: Gr. Colmore Street, Birmingham (SS4).  Listed as a Fredk Floyd age 30 a wood turner not born in the county with wife Emily age 30 born in the county and 5 children born in the county: Heny, Fredk, Selena, Alfred and Frances. (Note: Francis Sr. was listed here using his middle name Frederick, however this is Francis Sr. because the wife and children match with other records for Francis Sr.).

·       1851 Census: 1 Little Bow Street, Birmingham (S4).  Listed as Francis Floyd age 40 a wood turner born in Birmingham with wife Emily age 43 born in Birmingham and 8 children born in Birmingham: Frederick, Selena, Alfred, Francis, Matilda, Edwin, Hannah and Emily.

·       1861 Census:  141 Lorrer Cases Str., Birmingham (S4).  Listed as Francis Floyd age 50 married a wood turner born in Birmingham with 3 children born in Birmingham: Matilda, Hannah and Emily.

·       1861 Census for Wife: not found.

·       1871 Census: missing.

·       1881 Census:  39 Vece Str., Birmingham (S4).  Listed as Francis Floyd age 71 a wood turner born in Birmingham with wife Emily age 73 born in Birmingham.

·       Wife’s Death: February 4, 1891 St.Martin, Birmingham (S8d).  Listed as Emily Floyd age 83, the wife of Frank Floyd formerly a wood turner master, who died at 9 Court Ashley Street with her daughter Selina Hemming present at her death.

·       Wife’s Burial: Witton Cemetery, Birmingham: buried February 7, 1891, Grave #52596, Square 170, listed as Emily Floyd age 84 of St. Martin’s parish who resided at 9 Court Ashley Street (S=email correspondence with the Midland Ancestors who had scanned copies of Birmingham area burial records, website https://midland-ancestors.uk/).

·       1891 Census: 2 Hunters Vale, Aston Manor (S4).  Listed as Frank Floyd, father, widow age 80, an invalid born in Birmingham, in the Emily Workman, a widow age 43, household.  Emily is the correct age to be his daughter per other censuses.

·       Death:  February 1, 1894 St. George, Birmingham (S8d).  Listed as Francis Frederick Floyd age 83 formerly a wood turner journeyman, who died at 21 Ventnor Road with his son Frederick Floyd in attendance.

·       Burial: Key Hill Cemetery, Birmingham: buried February 4, 1894, Grave 14, Vault H, listed as Francis Frederick Floyd of 21 Ventude Road age 83 (S=email correspondence with the Midland Ancestors who had scanned copies of Birmingham area burial records, website https://midland-ancestors.uk). 

·       Probate: not found.

·       Children:

1.     Edward Henry Floyd (1833-1886). (Note: he is only listed as Edward Henry Floyd in his baptism record, in all other records he is listed as Henry Floyd).  Born: June 5, 1833 (S1c) (note: baptism index incorrectly lists the date as January 5, 1833).  Baptized: June 25, 1833 St, Martin, Birmingham (S1c), listed as Edward Henry Floyd with parents Francis Frederick Floyd, a wood turner, and Emily Floyd of Ashted Road.  1841 Census: with parents (S4). 1851 Census: 10 Princes Rose, Aston (S4): listed as Henry Floyd grandson age 17 a leather case maker born in Birmingham living with his grandfather Robert Shepperd age 65 a fancy painter born in Birmingham (note: the surname Shepherd is incorrectly listed in the census index as Stepper).  Marriage: November 7, 1858 St. Bartholomew, Edgbaston (S3), listed as Henry Floyd a bachelor and pocket book maker, whose father was Francis Floyd a wood turner, and Emma Russell a spinster.  1861 Census: 86 Bristol Street, Birmingham (S4), listed as Henry Floyd age 27 a pocket book maker born in Birmingham with wife Emma age 41 born in Wolverhampton and 2 children born in Birmingham: Alice Russell and Richard.  1871 Census: 85 Bristol, Birmingham (S4): listed as Henry Floyd ae 37 a fancy leather purse maker born in Birmingham with wife Emma age 49 born in Wolverhampton and 1 child born in Birmingham: Richard.  1881 Census: 85 Bristol, Birmingham (S4): listed as Henry Floyd age 45 a needle case maker born in Birmingham with wife Emma age 52 born in Wolverhampton and 1 child born in Birmingham: Richard.  Death: 4th QTR 1886 Birmingham (S5d), listed as Henry Floyd age 53.

2.     Frederick Floyd (1835-1904).  Born: March 2, 1835 (S1c).  Baptized: March 23, 1835 St. Martin, Birmingham (S1c), listed as Frederick Floyd with parents Francis Frederick Floyd, a cabinet maker, and Emily Floyd of Bristol Street (note: baptism index incorrectly listed his birthdate as March 23, 1835).  1841 and 1851 Censuses: with parents (S4).   Marriage: June 21, 1858 Edgbaston, King’s Norton (S8m), listed as Frederick Floyd of Edgbaston a clerk whose father is not listed and Ann Maria Heath; June 21, 1858 St. Bartholomew, Edgbaston (S3), listed as Frederick Floyd, a clerk with no father’s name or profession, and Ann Maria Heath.  1861 Census:  63 Hollien Street, Aston, Deritend (S4), listed as Frederick Floyd age 26, factory clerk born in Birmingham with wife Ann Maria age 25 born in Birmingham and 2 children born in Birmingham: Charles Frederick and Emma, and 2 brothers born in Birmingham: Alfred age 22 and Francis age 20.  1871 Census:  64 Cregve St, Birmingham (S4), listed as Frederick Floyd a commercial clerk born in Birmingham with wife Ann Maria age 35 born in Walsall and 3 children born in Birmingham: Charles Fredk, Emma and Albert Ernest.  1881 Census:  11 Hick Street, Aston (S4), listed as Fredrick Floyd age 46 a manager at iron works born in Birmingham with wife Ann M. age 45 born in Walsall and 3 children born in Birmingham: Charles F., Emma ad Ernest A.  1891 Census:  1 Maydale Pl., Coventry (S4), listed as Fredk Floyd age 56 a malleable iron foundry employer born in Birmingham with wife Ann A, age 55 born in Walsall and 1 child born in Birmingham: Emma. 1901 Census:  126 Allcott, Queen Victoria Road, Coventry (S4), listed as Frederick Floyd age 66 a malleable iron founder employer born in Birmingham with wife Ann M. age 65 born in Walsall and 1 child born in Birmingham: Emma.  Death: 4th QTR 1904 Coventry (S5d), listed as Frederick Floyd age 69, November 25, 1904 (S6).   Probate:  December 29, 1904 London (S6), listed as Frederick Floyd of Alcott-House Queen Victoria Road Coventry Effects £886 to Anna Maria Floyd widow and Charles Frederick Floyd and Ernest Albert Floyd iron founders.

3.     Selina Floyd (1836-1898). Born: December 3, 1836 (S1c).  Baptized: December 26, 1836 St. Martin, Birmingham (S1c), listed as Selina Floyd with parents Francis Frederick Floyd a wood turner and Emily Floyd of Gough Street.  1841 and 1851 Censuses: with parents (S4).   Marriage #1: October 12, 1857 St. Judes, Birmingham (S8m) listed as Selina Floyd age 21 whose father was Francis Floyd a wood turner and George Denham age 22 a brass finisher, October 12, 1857 St. Jude’s, Birmingham (S3) listed as Selina Floyd age 21 whose father was Francis Floyd a wood turner and George Denham age 22 a brass finisher.  1861 Census: 36 Vale Street, Birmingham (S4), listed as George Denham age 23 a brass founder born in Birmingham with Selina age 22 born in Birmingham and 2 children born in Birmingham: Jane and Mary A., living with the James Noons family (note: this census indicated Selina was James Noons daughter which appears to be an error).   1871 Census:  22 Thorp Street, Birmingham (S4), listed as George Denham age 31 a brass dresser born in Birmingham with wife Selina age 32 born in Birmingham and 2 children born in Birmingham: Mary Ann and Jesse Emily.  1st Husband’s Death: 2nd QTR 1872 Birmingham, listed as George Denham age 36.  Marriage #2:  3rd QTR 1874 Birmingham (S5m), listed as Selina Denham and Richard Alexander Hemming.  1881 Census:  22 Thorp Street, Birmingham (S4), listed as Richard Hemming age 38 a bricklayer labourer born in Collington, Herefordshire with wife Selina age 43 born in Birmingham and 2 Denham children born in Birmingham: Jessie and Helen and 2 Hemming children born in Birmingham: Richard age 3 and Selina age 1 (note: the surname is incorrectly listed in the census index as Nemaning. Also, according to the GRO birth index online, two children were born where the mother’s maiden name was Floyd: Alexander Richard Hemming 3rd QTR 1877 Birmingham and Selina Matilda Hemming 3rd QTR 1879 Birmingham which match with the Hemming children in the 1881 census, indicating the Selina Denham who married Richard Hemming was born Selina Floyd).  1891 Census:  22 Thorp Street, Birmingham (S4), listed as Richard Hemming age 44 a bricklayer labourer born in Collington, Bedfordshire with wife Selina age 52 born in Birmingham and 2 Hemming children born in Birmingham: Richard and Selina, and 2 Denham children born in Birmingham: Jessie and Nellli, and a granddaughter.  Death: 4th QTR 1898 Birmingham, listed as Selina Hemming age 59.

4.     Alfred Floyd (1838-1915).  Born: 2nd QTR 1838 Birmingham (S4), listed a Alfred Floyd, per the GRO index his mother’s maiden name was Shepherd.  1841 and 1851 Censuses: with parents (S4).  1861 Census:  63 Hollien Street, Aston, Deritend (S4), listed as Alfred Floyd a brother age 22 a fancy leather case maker born in Birmingham living with his older brother Frederick and his family.  1871 Census: 1 Benacre Terrace, Birmingham (S4), listed as Alfred Floyd age 32 a purse maker born in Birmingham with wife Susanna age 36 born in Malvern and 4 children born in Birmingham: Elizabeth Ann, Alice Elizabeth, Rosina and Frederick (note: the census index doesn’t include the son Frederick).  1881 Census: 1 Benacre Ter, Birmingham (S4), listed as Alfred Floyd age 44 a purse maker born in Birmingham with wife Susan Ann age 43 born in Malvern and 5 children born in Birmingham: Rosina, Frederick, William, Ernest and Sarah.  Marriage: November 29, 1885 St. Bartholomew, Birmingham (S8m), listed as Alfred Floyd age 41 a bachelor and pocket book maker whose father was Francis Floyd a wood turner and Susanna Bough age 42 a spinster; November 29, 1885 St. Bartholomew, Birmingham (S3), listed as Francis Floyd age 41 a bachelor a pocket book maker whose father was Francis Floyd a wood turner, and Susanne Bough age 42 a spinster (note: although they weren’t married until 1885, according to the GRO index the following children were born with the Floyd surname and with Bough as the mother’s maiden name: Alice 1862, Rosina 1866, Frederick, 1869, Florence 1870, William 1871, Ernest 1873 and Sarah 1875).   1891 Census: 68 Vincent Parade, Balsall Heath, Kings Norton (S4), listed as Alfred Floyd age 52 a leather needle case maker employed born in Birmingham with wife Annie age 56 born in Malvern and 5 children born in Birmingham:  Frederick, Rosina, William, Ernest and Sarah J.  1901 Census: 77 Vincent Grade, Balsall Heath (S4), listed as Alfred Floyd widow and father-in-law age 62 a leather pocket book maker worker born in Birmingham living with his daughter’s family, Frederick Bushill age 34 a metal worker and Rosina age 32 note: his surname is incorrectly listed in the census index as Lloyd).  1911 Census:  19 Stella St, Nechells, Aston (S4), listed as Alfred Floyd age 73 a widow and boarder with no occupation born in Birmingham living with his daughter’s family, Frederick S. Bushell age 44 a lavatory maker and Rosina age 43.  Death: 2nd QTR 1915 King’s Norton (S5d), listed as Alfred Floyd ag 76.

5.     Frances Floyd (1840-1912) - see Generation 2.

6.     Matilda Floyd (1842-1913).  Born: 4th QTR 1842 Birmingham (S4), listed as Matilda Floyd, per the GRO index her mother’s maiden name was Shepherd. 1851 and 1861 Censuses: with parents (S4).  Marriage: 3rd QTR 1861 Birmingham (S5m), listed as Matilda Floyd and John Edwin Phillips, July 31, 1861 St. George, Birmingham (S3), listed as Matilda Floyd age 18 whose father was Francis Floyd a wood turner, and John Edwin Phillips age 20 a fitter.  1871 Census: 80-81 Moland St, Birmingham (S4), listed as John Philips age 29 a machinist employing 2 men and 3 boys born in Birmingham with wife Matilda age 28 born in Birmingham and 5 children born in Birmingham: Caroline, Ann, Benjamin, Louisa and Matilda.  1881 Census:  24 New Church Str., Birmingham (S4), listed as John Phillips age 40 general tool worker born in Birmingham with wife Matilda age 38 born in Birmingham and 6 children born in Birmingham: Kate, Annie, Matilda, Rose, Ada and Charles.  Husband’s Death: 1st QTR 1884 Birmingham (S5d), listed as John Edwin Phillips age 42.  1891 Census: 75 Smith St., Birmingham (S4), listed as Matilda Phillips a widow and dress maker employer age 49 born in Birmingham with 4 children born in Birmingham: Louisa, Matilda, Ada and John.  Baptized: May 17, 1891 St. George, Birmingham and born September 22, 1843 (S1c), listed as Matilda Floyd age 47 with parents Francis Floyd a wood turner and Emily Floyd of Bristol Road.  1901 Census:  204 Bryn Orne, Old Road, Llandudno, Caernarvonshire, Wales (S4), listed as Matilda Phillips a mother-in-law and widow age 57 a retired dress maker born in Birmingham living with her daughter’s family, Joseph Hodgetts age 32 a watch and clock maker employer born in Stoke-in-Trent with wife Annie age 31 born in Birmingham.  1911 Census: 71 Anglesey, St. Lozells, Birmingham (S4), listed as Matilda Phillips age 67 age widow with no occupation listed born in Edgbaston/Birmingham, who had 2 children still living, with 1 child born in Birmingham: John Henry.  Death: 1st QTR 1913 Aston (S5d), listed as Matilda Phillips age 70.

7.     Edwin Floyd (1845-??).  Born: 1st QTR 1845 Birmingham (S5b), listed as Edwin Floyd, per the GRO index his mother’s maiden name was Shepherd.  1851 Census: with parents (S4).  Additional Information: not found (note: there are several people in the Birmingham area with this name born around 1845 making it difficult to determine which is the one related to this family).

8.     Hannah Floyd (1847-1933).  Born: 1st QTR 1847 Birmingham (S5b), per the GRO index her mother’s maiden name was Shepherd.  1851 and 1861 Censuses: with parents (S4).   Marriage: December 5, 1870 St. Lukes, Birmingham (S8m), listed as Hannah Floyd age 23 a spinster whose father was Francis Floyd a wood turner and Thomas Luckett age 21 a japaner.  1871 Census: not found.  1881 Census:  18 Hurst Str., Birmingham (S4), listed as Thomas Luckett age 32 flat packer warehouse born in Birmingham with wife Hannah age 34 born in Birmingham and 7 children born in Birmingham: Thomas, Charles, Minnie, Rose, Lucy, Martha and Walter.  1891 Census:  58 Belgrove Road, Edgbaston (S4), listed as Thomas Luckett age 41 a perambulator manufacturer employer born in Birmingham with wife Hannah age 44 born in Birmingham and 10 children born in Birmingham: Thomas, Charles, Minnie, Rose, Lucy, Martha, Walter, Leah, Margaret and an unnamed daughter 7 days old.  1901 Census: 561 Shalford Road, Sparkhill, Yardley, Worcestershire (S4), listed as Thomas Luckert age 57 a manufacturer of perambulators employer born in Birmingham with wife Hannah age 54 born in Birmingham and 6 children born in Birmingham: Lucy, Martha, Walter, Lily, Maggie and Dorothy.  1911 Census: 86 Park Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham (S4), listed as Thomas Luckett age 61 a cabinet manufacturer employer born in Birmingham with wife Hannah age 64 born in Birmingham and 2 children born in Birmingham: Lucy Alice and Dorothy Hand, the census indicated Thomas and Hannah were married for 40 years and have 13 children of which 9 were still living.  Husband’s Death: September 18, 1919 Acocks Green, Aston, Birmingham (S8d), listed as Thomas Luckett age 70 formerly a house furniture manufacturer, who died at 9 Durham Road, Sparkhill with his daughter Minnie Birch present at his death (note:  there were two men named Thomas Luckett who died around the same time, one in Aston in 1919 and the other in Sparkbrook in 1920.  Because the Luckett family was living on Sparkhill in 1911 where Thomas was working as a cabinet manufacturer and the Thomas who died in 1919 died at Sparkhill with an occupation of house furniture manufacturer, the one who died in 1919 is most likely they one related to this family).  Death: 2nd QTR 1933 Birmingham (S5d), listed as Hannah Luckett age 86.

9.     Emily Floyd (1849-1919).  Born: 2nd QTR 1849 Birmingham (S5b), listed as Emily Floyd, per the GRO index her mother’s maiden name was Shepherd.  1851 and 1861 Censuses: with parents (S4).  1871 and 1881 Censuses: not found. Marriage: not found.  1891 Census: 2 Hunters Vale, Aston (S4), listed as Emily Workman widow age 43 living on own means born in Birmingham with 2 children born in Birmingham: William and Edwin, and her father Frank Floyd age 80, an invalid.  1901 Census: 115 Wellesley, Aston Manor (S4), listed as Emily Workman a widow age 51 with no occupation listed born in Birmingham with 2 children born in Birmingham: William and George E.  1911 Census: 94 Stamford Grace, Stamford Road, Handsworth (S4), listed as Emily Workman age 61 a widow with no occupation listed born in Birmingham and 1 child born in Birmingham: William, and 1 grandchild born in Birmingham: Harold.  Death: August 11, 1919 Aston (S8d), listed as Emily Workman age 70, the widow of William Workman a shoemaker journeyman, who died at 2 Back 33 John Street with her son G. E. Workman present at her death.  Children:  Child #1 William Workman born 3rd QTR 1873 Birmingham (S5b), per the GRO index his mother’s maiden name was Floyd.  Child #2: George Edwin Workman born 3rd QTR 1874 Birmingham (S5b), per the GRO index his mother’s maiden name was Floyd. 


Generation 2: Francis Frederick Floyd (1840-1912) and Angelina Mayfield (c1838- 1893) and Sarah White (1867-1951)

·       Born:  June 20, 1840, St. Thomas, Birmingham (S8b).  Listed as Francis Floyd who was born at 4 Court Great Colmore Street with parents Francis Frederick Floyd a cabinet turner and Emily Floyd formerly Shepherd.

·       Baptized: not found.

·       1841 Census:  with parents (S4).  Listed as Francis Floyd age 1 born in the county.

·       1851 Census: with parents (S4).  Listed as Francis Floyd age 10 born in Birmingham.

·       1861 Census:  63 Hollien Street, Aston, Deritend (S4).  Listed as Francis Floyd age 20 a fancy leather case maker born in Birmingham living in his brother’s home, Frederick Floyd age 26, factory clerk with wife Ann Maria and 2 children: Charles Frederick and Emma, and another brother Alfred age 22.

·       Marriage #1: September 24, 1862 Handsworth, West Bromwich (S8m).  Listed as Francis Floyd age 23 a leather case maker who lived in Handsworth whose father was Francis Floyd a fancy wood turner and Angelina Mayfield age 24.

·       1871 Census: 61 Grant Str., Birmingham (S4).  Listed as Francis Floyd age 30 a fancy paper box maker born in Birmingham with wife Angelina age 32 born in Birmingham and 3 children born in Birmingham: Francis, Walter and Grace B. A.

·       1873 White’s Directory of Birmingham (S=ancestry.com). Page 379 listed Francis Floyd as a fancy paper box maker at 61 Grant Street.

·       1881 Census: 11, 12, 13 Grant Street, (works attached to house) Edgbaston, Birmingham (S4).  Listed as Frank Floyd age 40 a fancy needle case manuf employing 3 men 4 boys and 33 girls born in Birmingham with wife Angelina age 43 born in undecipherable and 2 children born in Birmingham: Francis and Grace.

·       1891 Census: 217 Bristol Road, Edgbaston (S4).  Listed as Francis Floyd age 50 a manufacturer needle case leather employer born in Birmingham with wife Angelina age 52 born in Birmingham and 1 child born in Birmingham: Grace, and a visitor named Sarah White age 23 single working as a companion to Lady Dom, who was born in Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire.

·       Wife #1 Death: November 24, 1893 (S6).

·       Wife #1 Burial: Warstone Lane Cemetery, Birmingham: buried November 28, 1893, Grave 1095, Section O and 2650-2, listed as Angelina Floyd age 55 of Bristol Road (S=email correspondence with the Midland Ancestors who had scanned copies of Birmingham area burial records, website https://midland-ancestors.uk). 

·       Wife #1 Probate: December 19, 1893 Birmingham (S6).  Listed as Angelina Floyd of 217 Bristol Road, Edgbaston, wife of Francis Floyd, Effects: £354 to Francis Floyd manufacturer,

·       Marriage #2: July 11, 1896 Edgbaston, King’s Norton (S8m).  Listed as Francis Frederick Floyd age 55 a widower and manufacturer whose father was Frank Floyd deceased and Sarah White age 30 a spinster.

·       1901 Census: 11, 12 and 13 Grant Str., Edgbaston, Birmingham (S4).  Listed as Francis Floyd age 60 a manufacturer leather goods employer born in Warwickshire with wife Sarah age 33 born in Gloucestershire and daughter Grace Mayfield, widow age 29 born in Warwickshire.

·       1911 Census:  11 Grant Street, Edgbaston, Birmingham (S4).  Listed as Francis Floyd age 70 a paper box trade manager born in Birmingham with wife Sarah age 40 born in Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire and daughter Grace Mayfield, widow age 36 born in Birmingham, granddaughter Dorothy Mayfield and Percy White, single brother-in-law age 27 born in Birmingham.  Indicates Francis and Sarah Floyd had been married 14 years and Sarah had no children,

·       Death:  January 22, 1912 St. Martin, Birmingham (S8d).  Listed as Francis Frederick Floyd age 69 a needle case maker master who died at 11 Grant Street, Birmingham with Percy E. White brother-in-law present at death.

·       Burial: Warstone Lane Cemetery, Birmingham: buried January 25, 1912, Grave 1095, Section O and 2650-2, listed as Francis. F. Floyd age 69 of 11 Grant Street (S=email correspondence with the Midland Ancestors who had scanned copies of Birmingham area burial records, website https://midland-ancestors.uk).  According to Mark Thursfield of the Midland Ancestors “Francis F Floyd (1912) is buried in the same grave as the following people: - Walter Augustus Floyd (1874), Francis B Gordon Floyd (1883), Rosa Emily Smith (1886), Angleina Floyd (1893), Eliza Smith (1908), John A Smith (1918), Percy Edgar White (1947) and Grace Clara Angelina Mayfield (1949)”.

·       Probate: not found.

·       1925 Bankruptcy: London Gazette newspaper dated February 3, 1925 (S=books.google.com).  Page 143 listed as Percy Edgar White, Sara Floyd (widow), and Grace Mayfield (widow), all residing at 94 Summer Road, Edgbaston, in the city of Birmingham, and carrying on business as F. Floyd & Co., at 356 Bellbarn Road, Edgbaston, in the city of Birmingham, fancy goods manufacturers.

·       1939 Register: 94 Summer Lane, Birmingham (S9).  Listed as Sarah Floyd a widow born January 7, 1867 living with Percy E. White single born October 15, 1883 a cardboard box maker foreman and Grace Mayfield a widow born December 21, 1870 who was incapacitated.

·       Wife #2 Death: January 17, 1951 Deritend, Birmingham (S8d), listed as Sarah Floyd age 84, the widow of Francis Frederick Floyd a fancy goods manufacturer, who died at 94 Summer Road.

·       Wife #2 Burial: Warstone Lane Cemetery, Birmingham: buried January 22, 1861, Grave ?, Section ?, listed as Sarah Floyd age 84 of 94 Summer Road, Edgbaston (S=email correspondence with the Midland Ancestors who had scanned copies of Birmingham area burial records, website https://midland-ancestors.uk).  According to Mark Thursfield of the Midland Ancestors, Sarah Floyd who died in 1951 was buried in the same gravesite as her husband, for details see burial information for Francis Frederick Floyd 1840-1912.

·       Children:

1.     Francis Benjamin Gordon Floyd (1863-1883).  Born: 4th QTR 1863 Birmingham (S5b), listed as Francis Benjamin Iwiden Floyd, per the GRO index his mother’s maiden name was Mayfield. 1871 and 1881 Censuses: with parents (S4). Death: 2nd QTR 1883 Birmingham (S5d), listed as Francis Benjamin G. Floyd age 19.  Burial: Warstone Lane Cemetery: buried June 27, 1883, Grave 1095, Section O and 2650-2, listed as Francis. B. Gordon Floyd age 19 of Grant Street (S=email correspondence with the Midland Ancestors who had scanned copies of Birmingham area burial records, website https://midland-ancestors.uk).

2.     Walter Augustus Floyd (1868-1874).  Born: 3rd QTR 1868 Birmingham (S5b), listed as Walter Augustus Floyd, per the GRO index his mother’s maiden name was Mayfield.  1871 Census: with parents (S4). Death: 1st QTR 1874 Birmingham (S5d), listed as Walter Augustus Floyd age 5.  Burial: Warstone Lane Cemetery: in same gravesite as father, for details see burial information for Francis Frederick Floyd 1840-1912 (S=email correspondence with the Midland Ancestors who had scanned copies of Birmingham area burial records, website https://midland-ancestors.uk).

3.     Grace Clara Angelina Floyd (aka Grace Mayfield) (1871-1949).  Born: December 4, 1870 St. Thomas, Birmingham (recorded 1st QTR 1871 Birmingham per GRO) (S8b), listed as Grace Clara Angelina Floyd who was born at 61 Grant Street with parents listed as Francis Floyd a fancy paper box maker and Angeline Floyd formerly Mayfield. 1871, 1881, 1891 and 1901 Censuses: with parents/step-mother (S4).  Marriage: September 29, 1891 St. Augustinas, Edgbaston, King’s Norton (S8m), listed as Grace Clara Angelina Mayfield Floyd age 20 whose father was Francis Floyd a manufacturer and Tom Howard Wilkinson age 24 a bachelor and ironmaster.  Divorce: July 11, 1896 husband’s petition and November 8, 1897 final decree for Tom Howard Wilkinson and Grace Clara Angelina Mayfield Wilkinson (S=England & Wales Civil Divorce Records, 1858-1918 at ancestry.com). 1911 Census: with father and step-mother and step-mother’s brother Percy White (S4), listed as Grace Mayfield daughter age 36 a widow and gold block worker born in Birmingham with daughter Dorothy Mayfield age 9 born in Birmingham. 1939 Register: with step-mother and Percy White, her step-mother’s brother (S4), listed as Grace Mayfield a widow born December 21, 1870 who was incapacitated.  Death 4th QTR 1949 Birmingham (S5d), listed as Grace C. A. Mayfield age 77.  Burial: Warstone Lane Cemetery: in same gravesite as father, for details see burial information for Francis Frederick Floyd 1840-1912 (S=email correspondence with the Midland Ancestors who had scanned copies of Birmingham area burial records, website https://midland-ancestors.uk).  Children #1: Francis Howard Barry Floyd Wilkerson’s Birth: July 24, 1894 Edgbaston, King’s Norton, whose parents were Tom Howard Wilkinson and Grace Clara Angelina Mayfield Wilkinson formerly Floyd.  Child #1 Francis Howard Barry Floyd Wilkinson’s Baptism: October 3, 1894 with parents listed as Tom Howard Wilkinson and Grace Clara Angelina Mayfield Wilkinson (note: the baptism index has several misspellings of the actual baptism record).  Child # 2 Dorothy May Floyd Mayfield’s Birth: February 9, 1902 Sutton Coldfield, Aston (S8b) whose parents were Frank Mayfield a commercial traveler and Grace Mayfield formerly Floyd.  (Note: in the 1901 and 1911 censuses Grace is listed as a widow.  There is no marriage record on ancestry.com between a man with the surname Mayfield and a woman with the surname Floyd in central UK between 1896 the year of her divorce and 1911 and no Frank Mayfield’s death during that same time period).


Percy White (1884-1947)

·       Born: 1884 Birmingham (S4) (S5d).

·       1911 Census:  11 Grant Street, Edgbaston, Birmingham (S4).  Listed as Percy White, single brother-in-law age 27 a foreman cutter worker born in Birmingham living in the Francis Floyd home who was age 70 a paper box trade born in Birmingham and his wife Sarah age 40 born in Chipping Campden and daughter Grace Mayfield, widow age 36, and a granddaughter Dorothy Mayfield.

·       1925 Bankruptcy: London Gazette newspaper dated February 3, 1925 (S=books.google.com).  Page 143 listed as Percy Edgar White, Sara Floyd (widow), and Grace Mayfield (widow), all residing at 94 Summer Road, Edgbaston, in the city of Birmingham, and carrying on business as F. Floyd & Co., at 356 Bellbarn Road, Edgbaston, in the city of Birmingham, fancy goods manufacturers.

·       1939 Register: 94 Summer Lane, Birmingham (S9).  Listed as Percy E. White single born October 15, 1883 a cardboard box maker foreman living with Sarah Floyd a widow born January 7, 1867 and Grace Mayfield a widow born December 21, 1870 who was incapacitated.

·       Death: 1st QTR 1947 Birmingham (S5d), listed as Percy E. White age 63.

·       Burial:  Warstone Lane Cemetery: in same gravesite as brother-in-law, for details see burial information for Francis Frederick Floyd 1840-1912 (S=email correspondence with the Midland Ancestors who had scanned copies of Birmingham area burial records, website https://midland-ancestors.uk).



The National Archives (TNA) Designs Registered by Francis Floyd & Co or F. Floyd & Co on Grant Street in Birmingham

·       1 provisional design in 1869 for a needle case #876 with material classification not listed dated March 18, 1869 registered by F. Floyd & Company of Grant Street.  This appears to be a paper needle case.

·       30 designs between 1873-1884, 20 were for needle cases (3 provisional in metal, 1 ornamental in metal and 16 earthenware), 8 were for paper patterns & shapes (probably for needle cases because Floyd was listed as a needle case manufacturer on the registration documents), 1 was for a purse and 1 had no subject.

·       31 Total designs from 1869-1884, 21 for needle cases (1 material unknown, 4 metal and 16 earthenware), 8 paper patterns & shapes and 2 others.


Avery style needle case registered to F. Floyd & Co.:

1.     Picture in Cruciform Frame - ornamental design #350455 dated June 5, 1880 (note: this ornamental design lists the firms address as on Great Street on the TNA website which appears to be a transcription error as all other records indicate the firm was on Grant Street).





[1] Francis White & Co.’s Commercial & Trades Directory of Birmingham, Third Edition, 1875.  Page 1716 lists F. Floyd & Co. at 11 Grant Street as needle case makers (S=http://specialcollections.le.ac.uk/digital/collection/ p16445coll4/ id/333747/rec/2).

[2] Provisional design #876 dated March 18, 1869 which appears to be a paper needle case (S=The National Archives, Kew, UK).

[3] Lloyd’s List newspaper dated September 4, 1874 page 15, column 2 (S=britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk).

[4] Based on the 1881 census for Francis Floyd Jr. (see the Genealogy section of this chapter for more detailed information).

[5] Kelly’s Directory of Birmingham, 1908 by Kelly’s Directories LTD.   Page 130, 395 and 986 list Francis Floyd at 11 Grant Street and Francis Floyd & Co at 12-13 Grant Street as fancy needle case manufacturers, Bristol Road. (S=books.google.com).

[6] London Gazette newspaper dated January 30, 1925 (S=books.google.com).  Page 761 bankruptcy: lists the business as F. Floyd & Co., at 356 Bellbarn Road, Edgbaston, in the city of Birmingham, fancy goods manufacturers (S=books. google.com).  According to the map of Birmingham on google maps, Grant Street is a block or so north of Bells Barn Road which could mean the business simply changed the entranceway from Grant Street to Bells Barn Road rather then moved from one location to the another.

[7] London Gazette newspaper dated January 30, 1925 (S=books.google.com).  Page 761 bankruptcy: lists as Percy Edgar White, Sara Floyd (widow), and Grace Mayfield (widow), all residing at 94 Summer Road, Edgbaston, in the city of Birmingham, and carrying on business as F. Floyd & Co., at 356 Bellbarn Road, Edgbaston, in the city of Birmingham, fancy goods manufacturers (S=books.google.com).

[8] From a search of the Floyd name in Birmingham area at the TNA website.

[9] From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthenware).

[10] According to the TNA website there was no separate classification for leather or cardboard/pasteboard which seems to indicate they were recorded as earthenware (S=https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/help-with-your-research/ research-guides/registered-designs-1839-1991/#2-what- why-and-how-designs-were-registered).

[11] From a google search.

[12] Provisional designs #1154, 1155, 1156 dated July 20, 1873.  The registration documents on the TNA website do not indicate the material classification, however the actual design representation obtained during a visit to TNA include the words “Class: 1” which means these were to be made of metal. (S=The National Archives, Kew, UK).

[13] Ornamental design #350455 dated June 5, 1880 (S=The National Archives, Kew, UK).

[14] From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromolithography).

[15] From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witton_Cemetery.

[16] Indenture dated 1894 between Francis Floyd a needle case manufacturer at 12-13 Grant Street and Eliza Jane Pickard in which Mr. Floyd either leased or sold 588 square yards of land on Bells Barn Road and Wyatt Street affronting his Grant Street property to Miss Pickard for £11 6p yearly rent or £700 pounds purchase price it (S=#MS68/2 available at the history center in the Birmingham Library).

[17] This is an assumption because no marriage record for her to anyone named Mayfield could be found on ancestry.com between 1886 the time of her divorce, and 1901 when she was listed in the census as a widow or 1911 when she was again listed as a widow.


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