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Demi-Quad Minerva 
needle case
Needle Case

UK Patent 1869-2998 drawing

Design Details

Needle Case Type:


Patent/Registered to:

William Avery, Redditch Manufacturer and Albert Fenton of the same place, Machinist

Patent/Design Representation #:

Mechanical Patent: #2998

Patent/Design Registration Date:

October 14, 1869

Location of Patent/Design Registration:

British Library - Business and Intellectual Property Centre – London

Reference #:

1869-2998, Figure 1


2.2 x 4.6



Name Variations:

Copestake, Moore, Crampton & Co - London

Other Variations:

Different endcap decoration
With the words "Patented in America on the side
See other Demi-Quads

US Patent

US 1870-102471

Additional Photographs

Needle case top half with name and different end cap decoration (photograph on right from eBay)

Needle case center and bottom half with signature detail

Version with the words "Patented in America" stamped on the side (photo from eBay)


Minerva was the Roman goddess of war, knowledge and trade.  The Romans equated her with the Greek goddess Athena.  Minerva is often depicted with a helmet, shield, breastplate and spear.



Minerva arrived in Britain with the Roman Conquest in 43BC and remained long after the Roman occupation ended in 410 AD.  A temple to Minerva was constructed in the town of Bath in 60-70 AD near the area’s natural hot springs.  In the 2nd century AD the Minerva Shrine shown below was carved into the sandstone quarry on the old Roman road in Handbridge, just south of the city of Chester.  The Roman fortress at Chester was considered one of the finest strategic outposts of the Roman Empire.



The English poet Lord Byron wrote the “Curse of Minerva” in 1811.  In the poem Byron prophesized that Scotland would be cursed for the deeds of Lord Elgin.  During a visit to Athens, Byron wrote the poem after he learned that Lord Elgin, a Scotsman, acquired the Parthenon Marbles (decorative panels originally part of the ancient Greek Parthenon on the acropolis) which were transported to England between 1802 and 1805.  In 1816 Elgin sold the marbles to the British Parliament who subsequently presented them to the British Museum where they remain to this day, now known as the Elgin Marbles.  Byron lived from 1788 until 1824 during a period known as the Romantic Age of poetry.
