134th Infantry Regiment Crest

134th Infantry Regiment

"All Hell Can't Stop Us"

35th Infantry Division emblem

Veteran's Stories Index

Arranged Alphabetically by Last Name

Nicholas A. Anarow - Company L, 134th Infantry Regiment

Pfc. Albert Bloom - Company E, 134th Infantry Regiment

Rex M. Bowers - Company C, 134th Infantry Regiment

Ralph T. Brennan - Company F, 134th Infantry Regiment

John Louis Cantoni - Company L, 134th Infantry Regiment

Cpl. Harry W. Cooper - Company M, 134th Infantry Regiment

Sgt. Carroll Crouch - HQ Company, 2nd BN, 134th Infantry Regiment

Edward Leo Curliss - Company G, 134th Infantry Regiment

Frederick G. Easley - 654th Tank Destroyer Battalion, Company A

Bernard A. Elliott - Company D, 134th Infantry Regiment

Pvt. Richard H. "Dick" Evans - Company F, 134th Infantry Regiment

Capt. Cecil D. Foster - Company B and Cannon Company, 134th Infantry Regiment

Sgt. Antonios D. Georgakis - Company L, 134th Infantry Regiment

Pvt. Robert ("Bob") Goldstein - 1st Platoon, Company A, 1st Battalion, 134th Infantry Regiment

Pfc. Morrie Gordon - Company A, 1st Battalion, 134th Infantry Regiment

James Graff - Reflections of a Combat Infantryman - A Soldier’s Story of C. Co. 134th Inf. 35th Div.

T/Sgt. George L. Hansen - Company D, 134th Infantry Regiment

S/Sgt. Mitchell (Mike) R. Helton - Company B, 134th Infantry Regiment

T/5 Russ Huebner - Company B, 320th Infantry Regiment, 35th Division

T/Sgt. Norman J. Hughes - HQ Company, 2nd Battalion, 134th Infantry Regiment

Captain Edgar H. Keltner - Company A, 134th Infantry Regiment

S/Sgt. Leopold (Leo) Frank Korejsza (aka Corey) - Company A, 134th Infantry Regiment

Pvt. Michael L. Linquata - Combat Medic - Company D, 2nd Platoon, 134th Infantry Regiment

Oscar V. Lofgren - Company G, 134th Infantry Regiment

Maurice J.A. Markworth, Company L

Pfc. William (Bill) W. Porter, Jr. - Company L, 134th Infantry Regiment

Pfc. John Quinn - Company L, 134th Infantry Regiment

Pfc. Robert L. Reese, Company B, 134th Infantry Regiment

Frederick C. Roecker, Jr., 134th Infantry Regiment

Carl R. Schidler, Company C, 134th Infantry Regiment

Armell Rex Turner - Company L, 3rd Platoon, 134th Infantry Regiment

Pfc. Horace Earl (Bud) Van Houten - Company C, 134th Infantry Regiment

S/Sgt. William Woodrow Vigdal - Company C, 134th Infantry Regiment

Pvt. Cullen Dexter Weeks - Company I, 134th Infantry Regiment

T/Sgt. John E."Gene" Weick - Company B, 134th Infantry Regiment

Sgt. Joseph E. Williams - Company B, 134th Infantry Regiment

Sgt. Robert Wenke - Company M, 134th Infantry Regiment

Sgt. Jerome A. Yaeger - Company B, 134th Infantry Regiment

Guy A. Yeargin - Company L, 134th Infantry Regiment

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